
  • Prizes were distributed to the winners of IDEATHON23- an interdisciplinary idea presentation competition organised by BEATS, Association of Department of Biotechnology jointly with BRSI on the theme ‘Innovation in Better Healthcare’.

Idea that bagged the first prize is ‘Design & Development of POC Biosensors’ by S7 BM & S7 BT 1.Thasleema Akbar(S7BM)2.Pranprakash P3.Rosemary Shofy4.Anson T Mathew5.Sharon Jomy(S7BT)Second Prize goes to ‘Device to detect adulteration in coconut oil ‘by S5BT & S5EC1.John Francis(S5 EC)2.Joselit Thayil(S5 EC)3.Charles Varghese(S5EC)4.Athulya Babu(S5BT)5.Amrutha V Sunil (S5BT)

  •  Exam Registration to B.Tech S8 (S) Exam Oct 2023 (2019 Scheme)is now open. Students can register up to 18.10.2023 (Wednesday)

  • The first list  of Book scheme  for the Ist  sem is published in the library notice board. Students are requested to collect the books at the earliest.